Modernization of the Multi Blade Pulpwood Machine UPT-250M
Based on the experience and feedback of our customers, as well as having conducted numerous tests of new machine components, a group of our engineers introduced the following innovations and changes to the design of the UPT-250M wood processing machine:
1. Increased the maximum diameter of the logs that the machine can handle, from 250 to 280mm.
2. Optionally, it is possible to increase the maximum cutting height to 200mm.
3. The power of the main engines is increased: on the milling unit 2х18.5 kW, on the multisaw block 2х15 kW.
4. The aspiration system has been completely redesigned and improved, in which the own production vac system with a reinforced impeller operates.
5. The reception table and log turners were upgraded, a removable roller appeared that accompanies the workpiece.
6. Теперь станок для переработки тонкомера УПТ-250М оснащен новым, информативным пультом управлением с четырьмя программируемыми кнопками на любой размер ширины получаемых досок или бруса в диапазоне 60-160мм. Так же появилась функция регулировки максимальной потребляемой мощности станка (данная функция актуальна для клиентов со слабой питающей электросетью).