Sawmills and Wood
Processing Equipment
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  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment

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    New log notcher UHS-3M.New powerful chashkorez!!!
 Announces the release of serial production of the new UHS-chashkoreza 3M. This model has a powerful 7.5 kW motor, through which significantly increased the speed of the milling cups the crown, as well as the opportunity to rout the bowl with diameter up to 400 mm !!! In the basic configuration log notcher machine is equipped with receivers and starting roller conveyors, two mills for diameters 160-300mm, laser designator LC-2and adjustable electric feed milling unit with a control system Baus-1.

Video of the log notcher UKS-3M:

Milling cup with a diameter of 400mm: