Sawmills and Wood
Processing Equipment
+7 (351) 776-88-67
+7 (902) 606-52-45
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  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment
  • Production and sale of woodworking equipment

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Equipment leasing

Equipment leasingDear partners! Now you can buy our equipment leasing company.

Equipment LeasingThis additional growth opportunities and real prospects for the modernization of your business. By leasing you can purchase the equipment that will not soon decided to buy. This opportunity provides VTB24 leasing.

Purchasing equipment, you are guaranteed to get favorable financing conditions, a reliable supplier, as well as using all the tax advantages provided under the Law on Leasing.

Discuss packaging equipment and get expert advice you can call the phone numbers listed above.