Here isan overview ofthe new, modernizedauto log latheOCS-3AM.
In the recenttime, Kraos engineersbetailedimprovementshave been carried outof the machine OCS-3Ato greatlyimprove the quality andease of useonthe modelof the machine.
The design ofthe machinethe following changes:
Has been developedandimprovedsystemcoverspreventingthe spreadwood chips.
Changing thedesignand shape ofthe cutterkniveschashkoreznogonodewill relieve thedrive motorchashkoreza30%, which greatlyincreased theproductivity of the machine.
All the mechanicalposition sensors(limit switches) have been replaced bynon-contactinduction.
Modernisedblocksearch andseizuremarksfor cuttingcupsnowthe probability of errorin thesizebetween thebowlsis excluded.
Now you caninstallmillsfor the production ofround logsdiameters of320-360mm.
Electronics andsoftwarehave also beenimproving, for everywrongaction on the partof the operator, the machinewill givea signaland the error code.
On thepanelwere withdrawndigitalpressure indicatorsmain drives, now the operatorcan visuallyobserve theloadof anengine, andalso includeautomatic adjustment ofthe feed rate.
Thecontrol unitis integratedvaristorarrestersand the controllersupply, surges and spikesdo notrepresent a danger.